Thursday, October 27, 2011

We want YOU as our new Tri NB Team Manager !!

Tri NB is proud to announce a new volunteer position which will help support our Provincial race team and also our Canada Games triathlon team for 2013! We are looking for a passionate, committed and energetic female Team Manager to join us beginning January 2012 and coordinate training camps, team administration, and more on the Provincial and National race circuits. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and make a difference in our sport through participation and hands on leadership with triathlon in NB and beyond.

We know you're out there! Don't be shy, put your name forward and take the first step towards both personal growth as well as being a valued and contributing member of the Tri NB Team. Full details on the position and responsibilities can be found below. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line if you have any questions at We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your interest. Cheers!

Triathlon NB Team Manager (Female)

Triathlon New Brunswick is looking for a Team Manager to work alongside the Provincial Coach and in conjunction with the Board of Directors to help manage, promote and organize Team New Brunswick and plan for its success on a Provincial as well as a National stage. The Team Manager role is critical to the overall success of this program. The Team Manager will also have the opportunity to participate in the largest and most competitive athletic sporting event in Canada – the 2013 Canada Games. Throughout each competitive season, there are Provincial, inter-Provincial and National level races and training camps. Tri NB is working on building the team to compete at a high performing level on the National stage, and is looking for an individual who is interested in helping us get there.

The Manager works closely with the Provincial Coach to plan and implement a series of activities leading to a successful Games performance. Are you hard working, self motivated, a true multi-tasker, committed to sporting excellence, work well with others, and are a strong communicator and project / task manager? If so, we’d like to hear from you! This volunteer position reports to the Tri NB President with a “dotted line” reporting relationship to the Provincial Team Coach. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with our junior athletes in the Province, working with them with the ultimate goal of podium positions and helping our Team reach its potential year after year.

Liaison with the Tri NB Board of Directors will be required and an active interest in the sport, preferably with a working knowledge of triathlon and event management are preferred, although not essential prerequisites for the successful candidate. Fluency in both English and French is also preferred, although not a prerequisite.

Tri NB welcomes applications for this role from interested Female applicants. A Police screening check will be required to ensure a safe and secure environment for our athletes is maintained at all times. Start date for the role will be January 2012. The candidate will be expected to commit to a minimum number of hours per week, with more time invested closer to 2013, and must be able to travel, covered by TRI NB, to various national events and the Canada Games during August 2013. A detailed overview of accountability and expectations is outlined below.

Interested applicants are asked to forward a letter of intent, outlining their interest, background and strengths related to this role, via email to no later than November 30, 2011. Tri NB thanks all applicants in advance for their interest and participation in the process. 

Position Expectations: Tri NB Team Manager (Female)

Liaison with Tri NB

• Work with the Provincial Coach in providing regular reports on the progress of the team to Tri NB and participate in Tri NB discussions / meetings related to Team NB and the Canada Games.


• Communicate athlete race schedules, costs, team commitments, etc. to athletes / parents.
• Make arrangements for travel and accommodations when traveling out of town.
• Ensure the team qualifying Selection Criteria is widely distributed and if necessary coordinate a parent information session to convey the details.


• Work with the Coach to prepare a budget.
• (Revenues) coordinating fund raising activities (TBD), collecting fees,
• (Expenditures) authorizing expenditures
• (Accounting) maintaining financial records in conjunction with the Treasurer, reporting on the financial situation to both the Coach, the Board, and when required to the Provincial Sporting Board.

Practices / Training Camps

• Provide support to the Coach as needed. This could include anything from ensuring that arrangements are made to secure a facility to providing marketing and promotion. The Coach and Board would determine the extent of the Manager’s involvement in team preparations.

Team NB and Canada Games Administration

• Work with the Provincial Coach in the participant registration process.
• Work with the Provincial Coach in the participant reading, understanding and signing of the Team Agreement that includes the code of conduct.
• Work with the Canada Games Transportation Coordinator to manage team travel arrangements to and from the Games.
• Work with the Provincial Coach in coordinating team uniform sizing and distribution for both the competitive and walk-out uniforms.
• Work with the Provincial Coach in supporting team media personnel through provision of information, setting up interviews, etc.
• Coordinates team participation at the Team NB Rally.
• Attends Coach/Manager Seminar/Workshops.
• Identify a parent to serve on the parent’s committee.
• Work with the Provincial Coach to ensure all team members complete the Doping Education session(s) as required.
• Correspond with the Mission Staff assigned to your team regarding the status, needs and progress of the team.

At Games or any away event

• Adhere to the Team NB Code of Conduct.
• Work with the Provincial Coach in monitoring conduct of team.
• Deal with issues as they arise.
• Work with Mission Liaison to coordinate team travel, player interviews, special awards, pin distribution, etc. and correspond with the Mission Staff assigned to your team regarding the status, needs and progress of the team.
• Ensure the team is effectively managed at their appointed venue sites.

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